Turkcell - Roaming package

Advantage Overseas Package
100 minutes, 1,000 SMS and 2 GB, which can be used in 88 countries abroad, exclusively for our customers with Ready Card, is only 129 TL!


129 / Month

You can use the Advantage Abroad Package in 88 countries abroad for 129 TL.
Prices include VAT and SCT. Click here for detailed information about taxes.
Package application is valid until 31.12.2019.
made use of the international aspects of Turkey are not included.
You can type ADVANTAGE RESIDENCE to receive the package and you can cancel it by typing CANCEL ADVANCE RESIDENCE and send it to 2200.
SMSs sent to 2200 to receive your package are free at home and abroad.
If you do not have TL on your line, click here to receive the package with your credit card.
You can use your minutes for incoming calls.
In minutes, your outgoing calls, you can only use so that the direction of the country and you are in Turkey.
If you call another country other than Turkey and you are in the world you are charged at the standard tariff package you do not have another abroad.
It is not a repeated package, it will be canceled after 30 days. If you want to buy again, you should write ADVANTAGE RESIDENCE and send it to 2200.
During the 30-day package period, the same package can be purchased 2 times via Dealer Cash POS and up to 2 times from other channels.
The charging period is 60 sec for minutes and 100 KB for internet usage.
Unused minutes, SMS and MBs in the package will not be transferred to the next month.
In case of package excess, 60 kr / MB, 60 kr / min and 50 kr / SMS will be charged in the countries valid abroad.
You can get information about your remaining rights by typing REMAIN and sending free SMS to 2200.

Available Countries: USA, Germany, Albania, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belarus, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Gibraltar, Czech Republic, China, Denmark, Ecuador, Armenia, Estonia, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Palestine, Finland, France, Guatemala, South Africa, South Korea, Georgia, Croatia, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Iraq, Iran, Ireland, Spain, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Iceland, Canada, Montenegro, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, TRNC, Kosovo, Costa Rica, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Malta, Egypt, Moldova, Monaco, Montserrat , Nepal, Niger, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Taiwan, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uruguay, New Zealand, Greece


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